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;;; -*- Mode:Lisp; Package:Weyli; Base:10; Lowercase:T; Syntax:Common-Lisp -*-
;; $Id: bigfloat.lisp,v 2.13 1991/10/04 22:42:51 rz Exp $
;; Arbitrary Precision Real Arithmetic System
;; by Tateaki Sasaki
;; For design philosophy and characteristics of this system, see T. Sasaki,
;; ``An Arbitrary Precision Real Arithmetic Package In Reduce,''
;; Proceedings of Eurosam '79, Marseille (FRANCE), June 1979.
;; For Implementation notes and using this system, see T. Sasaki,
;; ``Manual For Arbitrary Precision Real Arithmetic System in Reduce,'
;; Operating Report of Utah Symbolic Computation Group
;; In order to speed up this system, you have only to rewrite four
;; machine-dependently.
;; This function constructs an internal representation of a number
;; 'n' composed of the mantissa MT and the exponent EP with the base
;; 10. The magnitude of the number thus constructed is hence
;; MT*10^EP.
;; **** CAUTION! MT and EP are integers. So, EP denotes the order of
;; the last figure in 'N', WHERE order(N)=K if 10**K <=
;; ABS(N) < 10**(K+1), with the exception order(0)=0.
;; The number 'n' is said to be of precision 'k' if its mantissa is a
;; k-figure number. MT and EP are any integers (positive or
;; negative). So, you can handle any big or small numbers. in this
;; sense, 'BF' denotes a big-floating-point number. Hereafter, an
;; internal representation of a number constructed by MAKE-BIGFLOAT is
;; referred to as a big-float representation.
(in-package "WEYLI")
(defmethod print-object ((d real-numbers) stream)
(format stream "~'bR~(~D)" (fp-precision d))
(format stream "R(~D)" (fp-precision d)))
(defsubst make-bigfloat (domain mantissa exponent)
(make-instance 'bigfloat :domain domain
:mantissa mantissa :exponent exponent))
;; This function returns t if x is a big-float representation, else it
;; returns NIL.
(defun bigfloatp (x)
(eql (class-name (class-of x)) 'bigfloat))
(defmethod number? ((element bigfloat))
;; This function counts the precision of a bigfloat 'n'.
;; FIXTHIS: The 1+ below is total kludge. This whole package needs
;; to be rewritten sometime soon.
(defun preci! (nmbr)
(let* ((mt (1+ (abs (bigfloat-mantissa nmbr))))
(len (integer-length mt)))
(if (< len 10)
(lisp:ceiling (lisp:log mt 10))
(lisp:ceiling (lisp:+ (lisp:/ (lisp:+ len -10) #.(lisp:log 10 2))
(lisp:log (lisp:ash mt (lisp:- 10 len)) 10))))))
;; This function counts the order of a bigfloat 'n'.
;; **** ORDER(N)=K IF 10**K <= ABS(N) < 10**(K+1)
;; **** WHEN N IS NOT 0, AND ORDER(0)=0.
(defun order! (nmbr)
(if (lisp:zerop (bigfloat-mantissa nmbr)) 0
(lisp:+ (preci! nmbr) (bigfloat-exponent nmbr) -1)))
(defun convert-number->characters (number)
(if (lisp:zerop number) (list #\0)
(let ((chars ()))
(loop with n = number
and digit
while (not (lisp:zerop n))
do (multiple-value-setq (n digit) (lisp:truncate n 10))
(push (digit-char digit) chars))
(defmethod print-object ((number bigfloat) stream)
(setq number (round!mt number (lisp:- (fp-precision (domain-of number)) 2)))
(with-slots (mantissa exponent) number
(let ((u (convert-number->characters (abs mantissa)))
(flet ((bfprin1 (u)
(when (lisp:minusp mantissa)
(push #\- u))
;; Suppress trailing zeroes
(loop for v on (reverse u)
while (and (char= (first v) #\0)
(if (rest v) (char/= (second v) #\.)
finally (setq u (nreverse v)))
;; Now print the number
(loop for char in u
do (write-char char stream))))
(or (rest u) (push #\0 (rest u)))
(push #\. (rest u))
(bfprin1 u)
(princ "B" stream)
(setq u (convert-number->characters (abs (setq k (order! number)))))
(setq u (cons (if (lisp:< k 0) #\- #\+)
(loop for char in u
do (write-char char stream))
;;; Routines For Converting A Big-Float Number
;; This function converts a number N to an equivalent number the
;; precision of which is decreased by K.
(defun decprec! (number k)
(with-slots (exponent mantissa) number
(make-bigfloat *domain*
(lisp:truncate mantissa (lisp:expt 10 k))
(lisp:+ exponent k))))
;; This function converts a number N to an equivalent
;; number the precision of which is increased by K.
(defun incprec! (number k)
(with-slots (exponent mantissa) number
(make-bigfloat *domain*
(lisp:* mantissa (lisp:expt 10 k))
(lisp:- exponent k))))
;; This function converts a number to an equivalent number of precision
;; k by rounding or adding '0's.
(defun conv!mt (number k)
(unless (bigfloatp number)
(error "Expected ~S to be a bigfloat" number))
(unless (and (integerp k) (lisp:> k 0))
(error "Expected ~S to be a positive integer" k))
(cond ((lisp:zerop (setq k (lisp:- (preci! number) k)))
((lisp:< k 0) (incprec! number (lisp:- k)))
(t (round!last (decprec! number (1- k))))))
;; This function converts a number 'n' to an equivalent number having
;; the exponent k by rounding 'n' or adding '0's to 'n'.
(defun conv!ep (nmbr k)
(unless (bigfloatp nmbr)
(error "Invalid argument to conv!ep: ~S" nmbr))
(unless (integerp k)
(error "Invalid second argument to conv!ep: ~S" k))
(cond ((lisp:zerop (setq k (lisp:- k (bigfloat-exponent nmbr))))
((lisp:< k 0) (incprec! nmbr (lisp:- k)))
(t (round!last (decprec! nmbr (lisp:- k 1))))))
;; This function returns a given number N unchanged if its precision
;; is not greater than K, else it cuts off its mantissa at the (K+1)th
;; place and returns an equivalent number of precision K.
(defun cut!mt (nmbr k)
(declare (fixnum k))
(unless (bigfloatp nmbr)
(error "Invalid argument to cut!mt: ~S" nmbr))
(unless (and (integerp k) (lisp:> k 0))
(error "Invalid precision to cut!mt: ~D" k))
(if (lisp:plusp (setq k (lisp:- (preci! nmbr) k)))
(decprec! nmbr k)
;; This function returns a given number N unchanged if its exponent is
;; not less than K, else it cuts off its mantissa and returns an
;; equivalent number of exponent K.
(defun cut!ep (nmbr k)
(unless (bigfloatp nmbr)
(error "Invalid argument to cut!ep: ~S" nmbr))
(unless (integerp k)
(error "Invalid precision to cut!ep: ~D" k))
(if (not (lisp:> (setq k (lisp:- k (bigfloat-exponent nmbr))) 0))
(decprec! nmbr k)))
;; This function rounds a number N at the (K+1)th place and returns an
;; equivalent number of precision K if the precision of N is greater
;; than K, else it returns the given number unchanged.
(defun round!mt (nmbr k)
(unless (bigfloatp nmbr)
(error "Invalid argument to round!mt: ~S" nmbr))
(unless (and (integerp k) (not (lisp:minusp k)))
(error "Invalid precision to round!mt: ~D" k))
(cond ((lisp:minusp (setq k (lisp:- (preci! nmbr) k 1)))
((equal k 0) (round!last nmbr))
(t (round!last (decprec! nmbr k)))))
;; This function rounds a number N and returns an equivalent number
;; having the exponent K if the exponent of N is less than K, else it
;; returns the given number unchanged.
(defun round!ep (nmbr k)
(unless (bigfloatp nmbr)
(error "Invalid argument to cut!ep: ~S" nmbr))
(unless (integerp k)
(error "Invalid precision to cut!ep: ~D" k))
(cond ((lisp:< (setq k (lisp:- (lisp:1- k) (bigfloat-exponent nmbr))) 0)
((equal k 0) (round!last nmbr))
(t (round!last (decprec! nmbr k)))))
;; This function rounds a number N at its last place.
(defun round!last (nmbr)
(let ((abs-nmbr (abs (bigfloat-mantissa nmbr)))
(setq n (if (lisp:< (rem abs-nmbr 10) 5)
(lisp:truncate abs-nmbr 10)
(1+ (lisp:truncate abs-nmbr 10))))
(if (lisp:minusp (bigfloat-mantissa nmbr)) (setq n (lisp:- n)))
(make-bigfloat *domain* n (lisp:1+ (bigfloat-exponent nmbr)))))
;;; Routines for reading/printing numbers
;; This function reads a long number N represented by a list in a way
;; described below, and constructs a big-float representation of N.
;; Using this function, you can input any long floating-point numbers
;; without difficulty. L is a list of integers, the first element of
;; which gives the order of N and all the next elements when
;; concatenated give the mantissa of N.
;; **** ORDER(N)=K IF 10**K <= ABS(N) < 10**(K+1).
(defun read!lnum (l)
(loop for q in l
unless (integerp q)
do (error "Invalid argument to read!lnum: ~S" q))
(loop for term in (rest l)
for k = (lisp:ceiling (integer-length term) #.(lisp:log 10 2))
with mt = 0
and ep = (1+ (first l))
do (setq mt (lisp:+ (lisp:* mt (lisp:expt 10 k)) (abs term)))
(setq ep (lisp:- ep k))
finally (return
(make-bigfloat *domain*
(if (lisp:plusp (second l)) mt (lisp:- mt))
;; This function reads a long number N represented by a list in a way
;; described below, and constructs a big-float representation of N.
;; Using this function, you can input any long floating-point numbers
;; without difficulty. L is a list of integers, the first element of
;; which gives the order of N and all the next elements when
;; concatenated give the mantissa of N.
;; **** ORDER(N)=K IF 10**K <= ABS(N) < 10**(K+1).
(defun read!num (n)
(let ((exponent 0))
(multiple-value-bind (integer j)
(parse-integer n :junk-allowed t)
(unless integer
(setq integer 0))
(cond ((char= (aref n j) #\.)
(multiple-value-bind (fraction i)
(parse-integer n :start (1+ j) :junk-allowed t)
(setq integer (lisp:+ (lisp:* integer
(lisp:expt 10 (lisp:- i j 1)))
(decf exponent (lisp:- i j 1)))))
(make-bigfloat *domain* integer exponent))))
;;; Arithmetic manipulation routines
(defun bf-abs (nmbr)
(if (lisp:> (bigfloat-mantissa nmbr) 0) nmbr
(make-bigfloat *domain*
(lisp:- (bigfloat-mantissa nmbr))
(bigfloat-exponent nmbr))))
(defun bf-minus (nmbr)
(make-bigfloat *domain*
(lisp:- (bigfloat-mantissa nmbr))
(bigfloat-exponent nmbr)))
(defun bf-plus (n1 n2)
(let ((e1 (bigfloat-exponent n1)) (e2 (bigfloat-exponent n2)))
(cond ((lisp:= e1 e2)
(make-bigfloat *domain*
(lisp:+ (bigfloat-mantissa n1) (bigfloat-mantissa n2))
((lisp:> e1 e2)
(make-bigfloat *domain*
(lisp:+ (bigfloat-mantissa (incprec! n1 (lisp:- e1 e2)))
(bigfloat-mantissa n2))
(t (make-bigfloat *domain*
(lisp:+ (bigfloat-mantissa n1)
(bigfloat-mantissa (incprec! n2 (lisp:- e2 e1))))
(defun bf-difference (n1 n2)
(let ((e1 (bigfloat-exponent n1)) (e2 (bigfloat-exponent n2)))
(cond ((lisp:= e1 e2)
(make-bigfloat *domain*
(lisp:- (bigfloat-mantissa n1) (bigfloat-mantissa n2))
((lisp:> e1 e2)
(make-bigfloat *domain*
(lisp:- (bigfloat-mantissa (incprec! n1 (lisp:- e1 e2)))
(bigfloat-mantissa n2))
(make-bigfloat *domain*
(lisp:- (bigfloat-mantissa n1)
(bigfloat-mantissa (incprec! n2 (lisp:- e2 e1))))
(defun bf-times (n1 n2)
(make-bigfloat *domain*
(lisp:* (bigfloat-mantissa n1) (bigfloat-mantissa n2))
(lisp:+ (bigfloat-exponent n1) (bigfloat-exponent n2))))
(defun bf-quotient (n1 n2 k)
(with-slots (mantissa exponent) (conv!mt n1 (lisp:+ k (preci! n2) 1))
(make-bigfloat *domain*
(lisp:truncate mantissa (bigfloat-mantissa n2))
(lisp:- exponent (bigfloat-exponent n2))))
;; This function calculates the kth power of 'n'. The result will
;; become a long number if abs(k) >> 1.
(defun bf-expt (number k precision)
(if (lisp:< k 0)
(/ (make-bigfloat *domain* 1 0)
(bf-expt number (lisp:- k) precision))
(%funcall (repeated-squaring
(lambda (a b) (round!mt (bf-times a b) precision))
(make-bigfloat *domain* 1 0))
number k)))
;; This function calculates the integer quotient of 'n1' and 'n2',
;; just as the quotient" for integers does.
(defun bf-floor (n1 n2)
(let ((e1 (bigfloat-exponent n1))
(e2 (bigfloat-exponent n2)))
(cond ((lisp:= e1 e2)
(make-bigfloat *domain*
(lisp:truncate (bigfloat-mantissa n1) (bigfloat-mantissa n2))
((lisp:> e1 e2)
(bf-floor (incprec! n1 (lisp:- e1 e2)) n2))
(t (bf-floor n1 (incprec! n2 (lisp:- e2 e1)))))))
(defun bf-integer-part (num)
(with-slots (exponent mantissa) num
(if (lisp:zerop exponent) mantissa
(lisp:* mantissa (lisp:expt 10 exponent)))))
;; This returns a lisp integer as its first return value (perhaps
;; this should be a floating point integer)?
(defmethod floor ((number bigfloat) &optional modulus)
(let ((domain (domain-of number))
(bind-domain-context domain
(cond ((null modulus)
(setq quo (cut!ep number 0))
(values (bf-integer-part quo)
(bf-difference number quo)))
(t (setq modulus (coerce modulus (domain-of number)))
(setq quo (bf-floor number modulus))
(values (bf-integer-part quo)
(bf-difference number (bf-times quo modulus))))))))
(defmethod ceiling ((number bigfloat) &optional modulus)
(let ((domain (domain-of number))
(bind-domain-context domain
(cond ((null modulus)
(setq quo (cut!ep number 0))
(unless (eql quo number)
(setq quo (+ 1 quo)))
(values (bf-integer-part quo)
(bf-difference number quo)))
(t (setq modulus (coerce modulus (domain-of number)))
(setq quo (bf-floor number modulus))
(unless (eql quo (cut!ep quo 0))
(setq quo (+ 1 quo)))
(values (bf-integer-part quo)
(bf-difference number (bf-times quo modulus))))))))
(defmethod round ((number bigfloat) &optional modulus)
(let ((domain (domain-of number))
(bind-domain-context domain
(cond ((null modulus)
(setq quo (floor (+ (coerce 0.5 domain) number)))
(values quo
(bf-difference number (coerce quo domain))))
(t (setq modulus (coerce modulus domain))
(setq quo (bf-floor (+ number (* (coerce 0.5 domain) modulus))
(values quo
(bf-times (coerce quo domain) modulus))))))))
(defmethod truncate ((number bigfloat) &optional modulus)
(if (plus? number)
(floor number modulus)
(ceiling number modulus)))
;;; Arithmetic predicates
;; This function returns t if 'n1' > 'n2' else returns nil.
(defmethod-binary > bigfloat (n1 n2)
(with-slots ((e1 exponent)) n1
(with-slots ((e2 exponent)) n2
(cond ((lisp:= e1 e2)
(lisp:> (bigfloat-mantissa n1) (bigfloat-mantissa n2)))
((lisp:> e1 e2)
(lisp:> (bigfloat-mantissa (incprec! n1 (lisp:- e1 e2)))
(bigfloat-mantissa n2)))
((lisp:> (bigfloat-mantissa n1)
(bigfloat-mantissa (incprec! n2 (lisp:- e2 e1))))
(t nil)))))
(defmethod-binary < bigfloat (n1 n2)
(with-slots ((e1 exponent)) n1
(with-slots ((e2 exponent)) n2
(cond ((lisp:= e1 e2)
(lisp:< (bigfloat-mantissa n1) (bigfloat-mantissa n2)))
((lisp:< e1 e2)
(lisp:< (bigfloat-mantissa (incprec! n1 (lisp:- e1 e2)))
(bigfloat-mantissa n2)))
((lisp:< (bigfloat-mantissa n1)
(bigfloat-mantissa (incprec! n2 (lisp:- e2 e1))))
(t nil)))))
(defmethod-binary = bigfloat (n1 n2)
(with-slots ((e1 exponent)) n1
(with-slots ((e2 exponent)) n2
(and (lisp:= e1 e2)
(lisp:= (bigfloat-mantissa n1) (bigfloat-mantissa n2))))))
(defmethod-binary >= bigfloat (n1 n2)
(with-slots ((e1 exponent)) n1
(with-slots ((e2 exponent)) n2
(cond ((lisp:= e1 e2)
(lisp:>= (bigfloat-mantissa n1) (bigfloat-mantissa n2)))
((lisp:> e1 e2)
(lisp:> (bigfloat-mantissa (incprec! n1 (lisp:- e1 e2)))
(bigfloat-mantissa n2)))
((lisp:>= (bigfloat-mantissa n1)
(bigfloat-mantissa (incprec! n2 (lisp:- e2 e1))))
(t nil)))))
(defmethod-binary <= bigfloat (n1 n2)
(with-slots ((e1 exponent)) n1
(with-slots ((e2 exponent)) n2
(cond ((lisp:= e1 e2)
(lisp:<= (bigfloat-mantissa n1) (bigfloat-mantissa n2)))
((lisp:< e1 e2)
(lisp:< (bigfloat-mantissa (incprec! n1 (lisp:- e1 e2)))
(bigfloat-mantissa n2)))
((lisp:<= (bigfloat-mantissa n1)
(bigfloat-mantissa (incprec! n2 (lisp:- e2 e1))))
(t nil)))))
(defun bf-integerp (x)
(and (bigfloatp x)
(not (lisp:minusp (bigfloat-exponent x)))))
(defmethod minus? ((x bigfloat))
(lisp:minusp (bigfloat-mantissa x)))
(defmethod plus? ((x bigfloat))
(lisp:plusp (bigfloat-mantissa x)))
(defmethod 0? ((number bigfloat))
(equal (bigfloat-mantissa number) 0))
(defmethod 1? ((number bigfloat))
(and (equal (bigfloat-mantissa number) 1)
(eql (bigfloat-exponent number) 0)))
(defmethod abs ((number bigfloat))
(bind-domain-context (domain-of number)
(bf-abs number)))
(defmethod minus ((number bigfloat))
(bind-domain-context (domain-of number)
(bf-minus number)))
(defmethod-binary plus bigfloat (x y)
(bind-domain-context domain
(round!mt (bf-plus x y) (fp-precision domain))))
(defmethod plus ((x bigfloat) (y float))
(plus x (coerce y (domain-of x))))
(defmethod plus ((x float) (y bigfloat))
(plus (coerce x (domain-of y)) y))
(defmethod-binary difference bigfloat (x y)
(bind-domain-context domain
(round!mt (bf-difference x y) (fp-precision domain))))
(defmethod difference ((x bigfloat) (y float))
(difference x (coerce y (domain-of x))))
(defmethod difference ((x float) (y bigfloat))
(difference (coerce x (domain-of y)) y))
(defmethod-binary times bigfloat (x y)
(bind-domain-context domain
(round!mt (bf-times x y) (fp-precision domain))))
(defmethod times ((x bigfloat) (y float))
(times x (coerce y (domain-of x))))
(defmethod times ((x float) (y bigfloat))
(times (coerce x (domain-of y)) y))
(defmethod-binary quotient bigfloat (x y)
(bind-domain-context domain
(round!mt (bf-quotient x y (fp-precision domain))
(fp-precision domain))))
(defmethod quotient ((x bigfloat) (y float))
(quotient x (coerce y (domain-of x))))
(defmethod quotient ((x float) (y bigfloat))
(quotient (coerce x (domain-of y)) y))
(defmethod expt ((number bigfloat) (k integer))
(cond ((eql k 0) (make-bigfloat (domain-of number) 1 0))
((eql k 1) number)
(t (let ((domain (domain-of number)))
(bind-domain-context domain
(bf-expt number k (fp-precision domain)))))))
;; Elementary Constants
;; This function returns the value of constant CNST of the precision
;; K, if it was calculated previously with, at least, the precision K,
;; else it returns :NOT-FOUND.
(defun get!const (cnst k)
(unless (atom cnst)
(error "Invalid argument to get!const: ~S" cnst))
(unless (and (integerp k) (> k 0))
(error "Invalid precision to get!const: ~D" k))
(let ((u (get cnst 'save!c)))
(cond ((or (null u) (< (car u) k)) nil)
((equal (car u) k) (cdr u))
(t (round!mt (cdr u) k)))))
;; This function saves the value of constant CNST for the later use.
(defun save!const (cnst nmbr)
(unless (atom cnst)
(error "Invalid constant for save!const: ~S" cnst))
(unless (bigfloatp nmbr)
(error "Invalid argument to save!const: ~S" nmbr))
(setf (get cnst 'save!c) (cons (preci! nmbr) nmbr)))
;; This function sets the value of constant CNST. CNST is the name of
;; the constant. L is a list of integers, which represents the value
;; of the constant in the way described in the function READ!LNUM.
(defmacro set!const (constant digits)
`(progn (save!const ',constant (read!lnum ',digits))
(set!const !pi
(0 31415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749))
(set!const !e
(0 27182818284590452353602874713526624977572470936999595749669))
(defmacro define-bfloat-constant (name &body form)
`(defun ,name (prec)
(let ((u (get!const ',name prec)))
(when (eq u :not-found)
(setq u ,@form)
(save!const ',name u))
(defmethod pi-value ((domain real-numbers))
(bind-domain-context domain
(bf-pi (fp-precision domain))))
(defun bf-pi (precision)
(cond ((< precision 20)
(round!mt (make-bigfloat *domain* 314159265358979323846 -20)
((get!const '!pi precision))
((< precision 1000) (bf-pi-machin precision))
(t (bf-pi-agm precision))))
;; This function calculates the value of `pi' with the precision K by
;; using Machin's identity:
;; PI = 16*ATAN(1/5) - 4*ATAN(1/239).
;; The calculation is performed mainly on integers.
(defun bf-pi-machin (k)
(let* ((k+3 (+ k 3))
(ss (lisp:truncate (expt 10 k+3) 5))
(n ss)
(m 1)
(x -25)
(loop while (not (lisp:zerop n)) do
(setq n (lisp:truncate n x))
(setq ss (+ ss (lisp:truncate n (setq m (+ m 2))))))
(setq s (setq n (lisp:truncate (expt 10 k+3) 239)))
(setq x (- (expt 239 2)))
(setq m 1)
(loop while (not (lisp:zerop n)) do
(setq n (lisp:truncate n x))
(setq s (+ s (lisp:truncate n (setq m (+ m 2))))))
(setq u (round!mt (make-bigfloat *domain* (- (* 16 ss) (* 4 s)) (- k+3))
(save!const '!pi u)
;; This function calculates the value of 'PI', with the precision K, by
;; the arithmetic-geometric mean method. (R. Brent, JACM vol.23, #2,
;; pp.242-251(1976).)
(defun bf-pi-agm (k)
(let* ((n 1)
(k2 (+ k 2))
(u (coerce 0.25 *domain*))
(half (coerce 0.5 *domain*))
(dcut (make-bigfloat *domain* 10 (- k2)))
(x (coerce 1 *domain*))
(y (bf-quotient x (bf-sqrt (coerce 2 *domain*) k2) k2))
(loop while (> (bf-abs (bf-difference x y)) dcut) do
(setq v x)
(setq x (bf-times (bf-plus x y) half))
(setq y (bf-sqrt (cut!ep (bf-times y v) (- k2)) k2))
(setq v (bf-difference x v))
(setq v (bf-times (bf-times v v) (coerce n *domain*)))
(setq u (bf-difference u (cut!ep v (- k2))))
(setq n (* 2 n)))
(setq v (cut!mt (bf-expt (bf-plus x y) 2 k2) k2))
(setq u (bf-quotient v (bf-times (coerce 4 *domain*) u) k))
(save!const '!pi u)
;; This function calculates the value of 'E', the base of the natural
;; logarithm, with precision K, by summing the Taylor series for
;; EXP(X=1).
(defmethod e-value ((domain real-numbers))
(bind-domain-context domain
(bf-e (fp-precision domain))))
(defun bf-e (precision)
(cond ((not (> precision 20))
(round!mt (make-bigfloat *domain* 271828182845904523536 -20)
(t (let* ((u (get!const '!e precision))
(k2 (+ precision 2))
(m 1)
(n (expt 10 k2))
(ans 0))
(when (null u)
(loop while (not (lisp:zerop n))
do (incf ans (setq n (lisp:truncate n (incf m)))))
(setq ans (+ ans (* 2 (expt 10 k2))))
(setq u (round!mt (make-bigfloat *domain* ans (- k2))
(save!const '!e u))
;;; Elementary Functions.
;; This function calculates the square root of X with the precision K,
;; by Newton's iteration method.
(defmethod sqrt ((number bigfloat))
(bind-domain-context (domain-of number)
(bf-sqrt number (fp-precision *domain*))))
(defun bf-sqrt (x k)
(if (0? x) (coerce 0 *domain*)
(let* ((k2 (+ k 2))
(ncut (- k2 (lisp:truncate (1+ (order! x)) 2)))
(half (coerce 0.5 *domain*))
(dcut (make-bigfloat *domain* 10 (- ncut)))
(dy (make-bigfloat *domain* 20 (- ncut)))
(nfig 1)
(y0 (conv!mt x 2))
y u)
(setq y0 (if (lisp:zerop (rem (bigfloat-exponent y0) 2))
(make-bigfloat *domain*
(+ 3 (* 2 (lisp:truncate (bigfloat-mantissa y0) 25)))
(lisp:truncate (bigfloat-exponent y0) 2))
(make-bigfloat *domain*
(+ 10 (* 2 (lisp:truncate (bigfloat-mantissa y0) 9)))
(lisp:truncate (- (bigfloat-exponent y0) 1) 2))))
(loop while (or (< nfig k2)
(> (bf-abs dy) dcut))
do (if (> (setq nfig (* 2 nfig)) k2)
(setq nfig k2))
(setq u (bf-quotient x y0 nfig))
(setq y (bf-times (bf-plus y0 u) half))
(setq dy (bf-difference y y0))
(setq y0 y))
(round!mt y k))))
;; This function calculates the value of the exponential function at
;; the point 'x', with the precision k, by summing terms of the Taylor
;; series for exp(z), 0 < z < 1.
(defmethod exp ((number bigfloat))
(bind-domain-context (domain-of number)
(bf-exp number (fp-precision *domain*))))
(defun bf-exp (x k)
(cond ((0? x) (coerce 1 *domain*))
(t (let* ((k2 (+ k 2))
(one (coerce 1 *domain*))
(y (bf-abs x))
(m (floor y))
(q (coerce m *domain*))
(r (bf-difference y q))
yq yr)
(setq yq (if (lisp:zerop m) one
(bf-expt (bf-e k2) m k2)))
(cond ((0? r) (setq yr one))
(t (let ((j 0) (n 0)
(dcut (make-bigfloat *domain* 10 (- k2)))
(ri one) (tm one)
(setq yr one)
(setq m 1)
(loop while (> tm dcut) do
(setq fctrial
(setq m (* m (setq j (1+ j)))) *domain*))
(setq ri (cut!ep (bf-times ri r) (- k2)))
(setq n (max 1 (+ (- k2 (order! fctrial))
(order! ri))))
(setq tm (bf-quotient ri fctrial n))
(setq yr (bf-plus yr tm))
(cond ((lisp:zerop (rem j 10))
(setq yr (cut!ep yr (- k2)))))))))
(setq y (cut!mt (bf-times yq yr) (1+ k)))
(if (minus? x) (bf-quotient one y k)
(round!last y))))))
;; This function calculates log(x) by summing terms of the
;; Taylor series for LOG(1+Z), 0 < Z < 0.10518.
(defmethod log ((x bigfloat))
(let ((domain (domain-of x)))
(bind-domain-context domain
(bf-log x (fp-precision domain)))))
(defmethod-binary log2 bigfloat (x base)
(let ((k2 (+ 2 (fp-precision domain))))
(bind-domain-context domain
(bf-quotient (bf-log x k2) (bf-log base k2) (- k2 2)))))
(defun bf-log (x k)
(when (not (plus? x))
(error "Invalid argument to log: ~S" x))
(unless (and (integerp k) (> k 0))
(error "Invalid precision to log: ~D" k))
(cond ((= x 1)
(coerce 0 *domain*))
(t (let* ((m 0)
(k2 (+ k 2))
(one (coerce 1 *domain*))
(ee (bf-e k2))
(es (bf-exp (coerce 0.1 *domain*) k2))
sign l y z)
(cond ((> x one) (setq sign one) (setq y x))
(t (setq sign (bf-minus one))
(setq y (bf-quotient one x k2))))
(cond ((< y ee)
(setq z y))
(cond ((lisp:zerop (setq m (lisp:truncate (* (order! y) 23)
(setq z y))
(t (setq z (bf-quotient y (bf-expt ee m k2) k2))))
(loop while (> z ee) do
(setq m (1+ m))
(setq z (bf-quotient z ee k2)))))
(setq l (coerce m *domain*))
(setq y (coerce 0.1 *domain*))
(loop while (> z es) do
(setq l (bf-plus l y))
(setq z (bf-quotient z es k2)))
(setq z (bf-difference z one))
(prog (n dcut tm zi)
(setq n 0)
(setq y (setq tm (setq zi z)))
(setq z (bf-minus z))
(setq dcut (make-bigfloat *domain* 10 (- k2)))
(setq m 1)
(loop while (> (bf-abs tm) dcut) do
(setq zi (cut!ep (bf-times zi z) (- k2)))
(setq n (max 1 (+ k2 (order! zi))))
(setq tm
(bf-quotient zi (coerce (setq m (1+ m)) *domain*)
(setq y (bf-plus y tm))
(cond ((lisp:zerop (rem m 10))
(setq y (cut!ep y (- k2)))))))
(setq y (bf-plus y l))
(round!mt (bf-times sign y) k)))))
;; This function calculates log(x), the value of the logarithmic
;; function at the point 'x', with the precision k, by solving x =
;; exp(y) by Newton's method.
;; x > 0, k is a positive integer
(defun bf-log-newton (x k)
(when (not (plus? x))
(error "Invalid argument to log: ~S" x))
(unless (and (integerp k) (> k 0))
(error "Invalid precision to log: ~D" k))
(cond ((bf-equal x (coerce 1 *domain*))
(coerce 0 *domain*))
(t (let* ((k2 (+ k 2))
m (one (coerce 1 *domain*))
(ee (bf-e (+ k2 2)))
sign y z)
(cond ((> x one)
(setq sign one)
(setq y x))
(t (setq sign (bf-minus one))
(setq y (bf-quotient one x k2))))
(if (< y ee)
(setq m 0 z y)
(cond ((lisp:zerop
(setq m (lisp:truncate (lisp:* (order! y) 23) 10)))
(setq z y))
(t (setq z (bf-quotient y (bf-expt ee m k2) k2))
(loop while (> z ee) do
(setq m (1+ m))
(setq z (bf-quotient z ee k2))))))
(let ((nfig 0) (n 0)
(dcut (make-bigfloat *domain* 10 (- k2)))
(dy (make-bigfloat *domain* 20 (- k2)))
(setq y (bf-quotient (bf-difference z one)
(coerce 1.72 *domain*) 2))
(setq nfig 1)
(loop while (or (< nfig k2) (> (bf-abs dy) dcut)) do
((> (setq nfig (* 2 nfig)) k2)
(setq nfig k2)))
(setq x0 (exp* y nfig))
(setq dx (bf-difference z x0))
(setq n (max 1 (+ nfig (order! dx))))
(setq dy (bf-quotient dx x0 n))
(setq y (bf-plus y dy))))
(setq y (bf-plus (coerce m *domain*) y))
(round!mt (bf-times sign y) k)))))
;; This function calculates sin(x), the value of the sine function at
;; the point 'x', with the precision k, by summing terms of the Taylor
;; series for: sin(z), 0 < Z < PI/4.
(defmethod sin ((number bigfloat))
(let ((domain (domain-of number)))
(bind-domain-context domain
(bf-sin number (fp-precision domain)))))
(defun bf-sin (x k)
(cond ((0? x) (coerce 0 *domain*))
((minus? x) (bf-minus (bf-sin (bf-minus x) k)))
(t (let* ((k2 (+ k 2))
(m (preci! x))
(pi4 (bf-times (bf-pi (+ k2 m)) (coerce 0.25 *domain*)))
sign q r y)
(cond ((< x pi4)
(setq m 0)
(setq r x))
(t (setq m (floor (setq q (bf-floor x pi4))))
(setq r (bf-difference x (bf-times q pi4)))))
(setq sign (coerce 1 *domain*))
(cond ((not (< m 8)) (setq m (rem m 8))))
(cond ((not (< m 4))
(setq sign (bf-minus sign))
(setq m (- m 4))))
(cond ((equal m 1)
(setq r (cut!mt (bf-difference pi4 r) k2))
(bf-times sign (bf-cos r k)))
((equal m 2)
(setq r (cut!mt r k2))
(bf-times sign (bf-cos r k)))
(t (unless (equal m 0)
(setq r (cut!mt (bf-difference pi4 r) k2)))
(let* ((ncut (- k2 (min 0 (1+ (order! r)))))
(dcut (make-bigfloat *domain* 10 (- ncut)))
(tm r) (ri r) (j 1) n fctrial)
(setq y r)
(setq r (bf-minus (cut!ep (bf-times r r) (- ncut))))
(setq m 1)
(loop while (> (bf-abs tm) dcut) do
(setq j (+ j 2))
(setq fctrial
(setq m (* m j (1- j))) *domain*))
(setq ri (cut!ep (bf-times ri r) (- ncut)))
(setq n (max 1 (+ (- k2 (order! fctrial)) (order! ri))))
(setq tm (bf-quotient ri fctrial n))
(setq y (bf-plus y tm))
(cond ((lisp:zerop (rem j 20))
(setq y (cut!ep y (- ncut)))))))
(round!mt (bf-times sign y) k)))))))
;; This function calculates cos(x), the value of the cosine function at
;; the point 'x', with the precision k, by summing terms of the Taylor
;; series for: cos(z), 0 < Z < PI/4.
(defmethod cos ((number bigfloat))
(let ((domain (domain-of number)))
(bind-domain-context domain
(bf-cos number (fp-precision domain)))))
(defun bf-cos (x k)
(unless (and (integerp k) (> k 0))
(error "Invalid precision to cos: ~D" k))
(cond ((0? x) (coerce 1 *domain*))
(t (when (minus? x)
(setq x (- x)))
(let* ((k2 (+ k 2))
(m (preci! x))
(pi4 (/ (bf-pi (+ k2 m)) 4))
sign q r y)
(cond ((< x pi4)
(setq m 0)
(setq r x))
(t (setq m (floor (setq q (floor x pi4))))
(setq r (- x (* q pi4)))))
(setq sign (coerce 1 *domain*))
(cond ((not (< m 8)) (setq m (rem m 8))))
(cond ((not (< m 4))
(setq sign (- sign))
(setq m (- m 4))))
(cond ((not (< m 2)) (setq sign (- sign))))
(cond ((equal m 1)
(setq r (cut!mt (- pi4 r) k2))
(bf-times sign (bf-sin r k)))
((equal m 2)
(setq r (cut!mt r k2))
(bf-times sign (bf-sin r k)))
(t (when (= m 3)
(setq r (cut!mt (- pi4 r) k2)))
(let ((j 0) (n 0)
(dcut (make-bigfloat *domain* 10 (- k2)))
fctrial ri tm)
(setq y (setq ri (setq tm (coerce 1 *domain*))))
(setq r (- (cut!ep (* r r) (- k2))))
(setq m 1)
(loop while (> (bf-abs tm) dcut) do
(setq j (+ j 2))
(setq fctrial
(setq m (* m j (- j 1))) *domain*))
(setq ri (cut!ep (* ri r) (- k2)))
(setq n (max 1 (+ (- k2 (order! fctrial))
(order! ri))))
(setq tm (bf-quotient ri fctrial n))
(setq y (+ y tm))
(cond ((equal (rem j 20) 0)
(setq y (cut!ep y (- k2)))))))
(round!mt (* sign y) k)))))))
;; This function calculates tan(x), the value of the tangent function
;; at the point 'x', with the precision k, by calculating
;; sin(x) or cos(x) = sin(pi/2-x).
(defmethod tan ((number bigfloat))
(let ((domain (domain-of number)))
(bind-domain-context domain
(bf-tan number (fp-precision domain)))))
(defun bf-tan (x k)
(unless (and (integerp k) (> k 0))
(error "Invalid precision to tan: ~D" k))
(cond ((0? x) (coerce 0 *domain*))
((minus? x) (bf-minus (bf-tan (bf-minus x) k)))
(t (let* ((k2 (+ k 2))
(one (coerce 1 *domain*))
(m (preci! x))
(pi4 (bf-times (bf-pi (+ k2 m)) (coerce 0.25 *domain*)))
sign q r)
(cond ((< x pi4)
(setq m 0)
(setq r x))
(t (setq m (floor (setq q (bf-floor x pi4))))
(setq r (bf-difference x (bf-times q pi4)))))
(cond ((not (< m 4)) (setq m (rem m 4))))
(setq sign (if (< m 2) one (bf-minus one)))
(cond ((or (= m 1) (= m 3))
(setq r (bf-difference pi4 r))))
(setq r (cut!mt r k2))
(cond ((or (equal m 0) (equal m 3))
(setq r (bf-sin r k2))
(setq q (bf-difference one (bf-times r r)))
(setq q (bf-sqrt (cut!mt q k2) k2))
(bf-times sign (bf-quotient r q k)))
(t (setq r (bf-sin r k2))
(setq q (bf-difference one (bf-times r r)))
(setq q (bf-sqrt (cut!mt q k2) k2))
(bf-times sign (bf-quotient q r k))))))))
;; This function calculates asin(x), the value of the arcsine function
;; at the point 'x', with the precision k, by calculating
;; atan(x/sqrt(1-x**2))
;; The answer is in the range <-pi/2 , pi/2>.
(defmethod asin ((number bigfloat))
(let ((domain (domain-of number)))
(bind-domain-context domain
(bf-asin number (fp-precision domain)))))
(defun bf-asin (x k)
(when (or (> (bf-abs x) (coerce 1 *domain*)))
(error "Invalid argument to asin: ~S" x))
(unless (and (integerp k) (> k 0))
(error "Invalid precision to asin: ~D" k))
(cond ((minus? x) (bf-minus (bf-asin (bf-minus x) k)))
(t (let ((k2 (+ k 2))
(one (coerce 1 *domain*)))
(cond ((< (bf-difference one x)
(make-bigfloat *domain* 10 (- k2)))
(round!mt (bf-times (bf-pi (1+ k)) (coerce 0.5 *domain*))
(t (bf-atan
(bf-quotient x (bf-sqrt (cut!mt (- 1 (* x x)) k2) k2)
;; This function calculates acos(x), the value of the arccosine
;; function at the point 'x', with the precision k, by calculating
;; atan(sqrt(1-x**2)/x) if x > 0 or
;; atan(sqrt(1-x**2)/x) + pi if x < 0.
;; the answer is in the range [0 , pi).
(defmethod acos ((number bigfloat))
(let ((domain (domain-of number)))
(bind-domain-context domain
(bf-acos number (fp-precision domain)))))
(defun bf-acos (x k)
(when (or (> (bf-abs x) (coerce 1 *domain*)))
(error "Invalid argument to acos: ~S" x))
(unless (and (integerp k) (> k 0))
(error "Invalid precision to acos: ~D" k))
(let ((k2 (+ k 2))
(cond ((< (bf-abs x) (make-bigfloat *domain* 50 (- k2)))
(round!mt (bf-times (bf-pi (+ k 1)) (coerce 0.5 *domain*))
(t (setq y (bf-quotient
(bf-sqrt (cut!mt
(bf-difference (coerce 1 *domain*)
(bf-times x x))
k2) k2)
(bf-abs x)
(if (minus? x)
(round!mt (bf-difference (bf-pi (+ k 1)) (bf-atan y k))
(bf-atan y k))))))
;; this function calculates atan(x), the value of the arctangent
;; function at the point 'x', with the precision k, by summing terms
;; of the Taylor series for atan(z) if 0 < z < 0.42.
;; otherwise the following identities are used!
;; atan(x) = pi/2 - atan(1/x) if 1 < x and
;; atan(x) = 2*atan(x/(1+sqrt(1+x**2)))
;; if 0.42 <= x <= 1.
;; the answer is in the range [-pi/2, pi/2).
(defmethod atan ((number bigfloat) &optional base)
(when base
(error "Two argument atan not implemented yet"))
(let ((domain (domain-of number)))
(bind-domain-context domain
(bf-atan number (fp-precision domain)))))
(defun bf-atan (x k)
(unless (and (integerp k) (> k 0))
(error "Invalid precision to atan: ~D" k))
(cond ((0? x) (coerce 0 *domain*))
((minus? x) (bf-minus (bf-atan (bf-minus x) k)))
(t (let* ((k2 (+ k 2))
(one (coerce 1 *domain*))
(pi4 (bf-times (bf-pi k2) (coerce 0.25 *domain*)))
y z)
(cond ((= x 1)
(round!mt pi4 k))
((> x one)
(bf-difference (bf-plus pi4 pi4)
(bf-atan (bf-quotient one x k2) (+ k 1)))
((< x (coerce 0.42 *domain*))
(let* ((m 1) (n 0)
(ncut (- k2 (min 0 (+ (order! x) 1))))
(dcut (make-bigfloat *domain* 10 (- ncut)))
(zi x)
(tm x))
(setq y tm)
(setq z (bf-minus (cut!ep (bf-times x x) (- ncut))))
(loop while (> (bf-abs tm) dcut) do
(setq zi (cut!ep (bf-times zi z) (- ncut)))
(setq n (max 1 (+ k2 (order! zi))))
(setq tm (bf-quotient
zi (coerce (setq m (+ m 2)) *domain*)
(setq y (bf-plus y tm))
(cond ((lisp:zerop (rem m 20))
(setq y (cut!ep y (- ncut)))))))
(round!mt y k))
(t (setq y (bf-plus one (cut!mt (bf-times x x) k2)))
(setq y (bf-plus one (bf-sqrt y k2)))
(setq y (bf-atan (bf-quotient x y k2) (+ k 1)))
(round!mt (bf-times y (coerce 2 *domain*)) k)))))))
;; this function calculates arcsin(x), the value of the arcsine
;; function at the point 'x', with the precision k, by solving
;; x = sin(y) if 0 < x <= 0.72, or
;; sqrt(1-x**2) = sin(y) if 0.72 < x,
;; by Newton's iteration method.
;; the answer is in the range [-pi/2, pi/2).
(defun bf-asin-newton (x k)
(when (or (> (bf-abs x) (coerce 1 *domain*)))
(error "Invalid argument to asin: ~S" x))
(unless (and (integerp k) (> k 0))
(error "Invalid precision to asin: ~D" k))
(cond ((0? x) (coerce 0 *domain*))
((minus? x) (bf-minus (bf-asin-newton (bf-minus x) k)))
(t (let* ((k2 (+ k 2))
(dcut (make-bigfloat *domain* 10 (+ (- k2) (order! x) 1)))
(one (coerce 1 *domain*))
(pi2 (bf-times (bf-pi (+ k2 2)) (coerce 0.5 *domain*)))
(cond ((< (- 1 x) dcut)
(round!mt pi2 k))
((> x (coerce 0.72 *domain*))
(setq y (cut!mt (bf-difference one (bf-times x x)) k2))
(setq y (bf-asin-newton (bf-sqrt y k2) k))
(round!mt (bf-difference pi2 y) k))
(t (let ((nfig 1)
(n 0)
(dy one)
cx dx x0)
(setq y x)
(loop while (or (< nfig k2)
(> (bf-abs dy) dcut))
do (cond ((> (setq nfig (* 2 nfig)) k2)
(setq nfig k2)))
(setq x0 (bf-sin y nfig))
(setq cx (bf-sqrt (cut!mt (- 1 (* x0 x0))
(setq dx (- x x0))
(setq n (max 1 (+ nfig (order! dx))))
(setq dy (bf-quotient dx cx n))
(setq y (bf-plus y dy)))
(round!mt y k))))))))
;; This function calculates arccos(x), the value of the arccosine
;; function at the point 'x', with the precision k, by calculating
;; arcsin(sqrt(1-x**2)) if x > 0.72 and
;; pi/2 - arcsin(x) otherwise.
;; The answer is in the range [0, pi).
(defun bf-acos-newton (x k)
(when (or (> (bf-abs x) (coerce 1 *domain*)))
(error "Invalid argument to acos: ~S" x))
(unless (and (integerp k) (> k 0))
(error "Invalid precision to acos: ~D" k))
(cond ((bf-<= x (coerce 0.72 *domain*))
(bf-times (bf-pi (+ k 1)) (coerce 0.5 *domain*))
(bf-asin-newton x k))
(t (bf-asin-newton
(cut!mt (bf-difference (coerce 1 *domain*) (* x x))
(+ k 2))
(+ k 2))
;; This function calculates arctan(x), the value of the arctangent
;; function at the point 'x', with the precision k, by calculating
;; arcsin(x/sqrt(1+x**2))
;; The answer is in the range [-pi/2, pi/2).
(defun bf-atan-newton (x k)
(unless (and (integerp k) (> k 0))
(error "Invalid precision to atan: ~D" k))
(cond ((minus? x) (bf-minus (bf-atan-newton (bf-minus x) k)))
(t (bf-asin-newton
(bf-quotient x (bf-sqrt (cut!mt (+ 1 (* x x)) (+ k 2))
(+ k 2))
(+ k 2))
(defmethod-binary expt bigfloat (x y)
(bind-domain-context domain
(cond ((bf-integerp y) (expt x (floor y)))
((minus? y)
(/ 1 (expt x (bf-minus y))))
(t (let ((n (fp-precision domain))
(xp (abs x))
(cond ((bf-integerp (bf-times y (coerce 2 domain)))
(setq xp (incprec! xp 1))
(setq yp (round!mt
(bf-times (expt xp (floor y))
(bf-sqrt xp (+ n 1)))
(t (setq yp (bf-exp (* y (bf-log xp (1+ n))) n))))
(cond ((minus? x) (bf-minus yp)) (t yp)))))))